High meat and wool production;
Milk production – 25 liters / head;
It is set to increase in the south plain, moldova and dobrogea;
Was formed at the institute of research and development for sheep and goats palas -constanta;
Is a mixed breed meat and wool;
Harmonious body conformation, massive, open to retraining;
Breeding indices: 128-135% prolificacy; 90-96% fecundity;
Average weight: 64 kg / 102 kg and sheep / ram;
Females can be used in breeding at age 10-12 months;
Slaughter yield is 54% and 52% of adult sheep fattening lambs;
Lambs arrive in 4-5 months to 40-50 kg; housings are of good quality;
Average production of wool: 6-7 kg / sheep; 12-14 kg / ram;
Average milk production per period of 128 days is 130 l, 20% milk merchandise;