It’s a tall mountain in the red dress pie * supported with well-defined spots. His head and his members are white.
It shows good fertility, produces milk with a good balance of nitrogen rates and buttery, high quality cheese: it allows the manufacture of Franche-Comté cheeses like Comté, Mont d’Or cheese or Gex.
It also offers a good butcher valuation.
Weight of adult bulls: 900-1 200 kg
Weight of adult cows: 600 to 700 kg
average height at the withers of adult cows: 145 cm
♦ Poids de carcasse : – taurillon 16 – 18 mois : 350 – 380 kg
- vache de réforme : 320 – 370 kg
♦ Production adulte moyenne : 366 599 vaches contrôlées – 7 745 kg en 327 jours
♦ Taux : TB 38,9 ‰, TP 32,7 ‰